I donated my hair.
I didn't realize how attached I became to those extra 11 inches until I sat down in the chair and prepared for that first cut. My friend came for moral support, or maybe she was there because she knows I would have chickened out. Knowing that the hair was going to someone that needed it more than I did felt great. Alexis donated her hair back in June of 2011 and I started growing my hair out to do the same at that point. However, I became attached to having long hair.
I decided I would wait until Alexis' hair grew out and she was ready to do it again and we would do it together. But I became impatient (big surprise, I know) and decided I would just wait until May and do it for my 35th birthday but I realized that was 10 years away ;) Finally, I had enough of if. It became too much for me to take care of and was time to pass it on to someone else. Pretty cool that we can do that isn't it?
Immediately it felt so much better. I got into my car and didn't get it stuck in my door, or my seat belt, or the arm rest.
The hair will be sent to Locks of Love and I plan on growing it out and doing it again as soon as I can.