Wednesday, June 20, 2012

these are the days

These are the days that I love.
I am in the kitchen cleaning the breakfast dishes while watching my husband do yard work through the kitchen window with the sun shining so brightly.  The kids playing, not fighting, not watching t.v, but playing together and happy.  Summer is here and day of play awaits us.

 And that is exactly what we did.  We played.
By 4:00 we were sun-kissed and starving so we headed out to pick up dinner and a few groceries.
In the evening we sat down to watch the movie Courageous together as a family.  The kids and I got this movie for Anthony for Father's day.  Here is a little snapshot of our Father's day:

The movie was amazing.  The message was loud and clear as I went from laughing to crying and back to laughing all within 45 seconds.  I'm sure everyone has already seen the movie since we are usually the last to ever watch  but if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!  If you cry like me... you know where your face becomes all distorted, lips quiver, forehead does some weird thing, nose starts dripping as the tears are flooding down your face... I would say watch it in the dark.  We have a huge couch and all 4 (plus the dog) were in one small section all together.  Anthony and I right next to each other with Wyatt laying on top of Anthony and Alexis half way on me and the dog on her.  We got the family message and weren't letting go.  God and family are the two most important loves in my life and my heart grows bigger for each every single day.


  1. So glad you had a good fathers day. I haven't seen courageous yet but I have heard wonderful things about it. I'll have to pick it up!

  2. i love that movie. and yes laughing crying laughing crying the whole time. i was a mess. ha!

  3. I'm so glad you had such a lovely day together. I love the goofy family pic!

  4. I'm so happy you're enjoying summer days with your family, Karen!
    I love the collage! So many awesome shots!
    I haven't seen the movie but always tell Steve we should watch it. Now I really want to...I'm a big fan of laughing, then crying and crying, then laughing. :)
    So glad you all had a nice Father's Day!
    Wishing you a relaxing night and sending love your way!
    Thank you for your always thoughtful words.

  5. You are such an amazing woman Karen!!

  6. ok so I have big separation issue when it comes to our kiddos...I let our daughter sleep over at my sister's house and I was 8 month pregnant and we watched that movie! Talk about the seriously a great great great movie!


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