Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
the first day
The morning started off early. Wyatt has been very excited about starting Kindergarten that he woke up at 1:30 a.m and 5:30 a.m and then finally gave up on sleep at 6:15 a.m. We watched the sunrise as he enthusiastically got dressed, brushed his teeth and grinned from ear to ear.

Alexis was a bit of a sleepy head and somewhat apprehensive about starting school again but happy to see her friends.
Here we are... Kindergartener and Second grader
A BIG thanks to Anthony's co-worker for holding over for him this morning. This was his first year seeing the kids on the first day of school (and realizing what all the fuss is about... he saw how it would have been physically impossible for me to do the drop off myself)
As the bell rang and all the kids cheerfully trotted off to their classrooms my kids put the breaks on. Alexis walked up to her class and made a quick u-turn to Anthony (I was walking next door to Kindergarten because I saw the look on her face and knew what was coming) and grabbed onto his waist as the tears began to flow. As soon as Wyatt saw her tears and apprehension he decided he wasn't going to go to his class...ever. So Anthony picked Wyatt up (with his resistance the 55 lbs quickly turn into 100 lbs) and carried him into his class to hand him off to his teacher (which I absolutely adore...she was Alexis' teacher last year) Mrs. T literally pried a screaming Wyatt from Anthony as he pierced everyones ears who was within 100 ft. MOOOMMMMYYYYY DON'T LEAVE.... MOOOMMMMMYYYY. Well, there goes my strength and courage as the tears poured down my face. I walked out quickly to get Alexis back in her class. At the door, her feet became bolted to the ground and she wouldn't go any further. I guided (pushed) her to her seat, reminded her that she really will be okay and quickly left the class, so I could cry some more. This behavior is NOT normal and the reason I know this is because my kids are the ONLY ones who act this way.
I know the separation is scary because I went through the same thing. I don't ever remember the screaming but I do remember the nerves. But this school is different. The kids only go 3 days a week and they are home schooled the other 2. They know most of the kids and the parents are my friends, my very good friends.
I spent the day running errands and keeping busy, trying not to worry every second of the day how the kids were doing. I arrived a half an hour early for pick up and anxiously awaited their hugs. They both ran over with HUGE smiles and lots of stories about their day. Wyatt cried a few more times through out the day yet he still said he had the best day ever.
We are going to run through the sprinklers to cool off from the heat while I listen to more about their first day of school.
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